
5月, 2017の投稿を表示しています

Week2 : Simple AJA JSON system to visualise the result of simulation

Hi all! Firstly I will explain what I did this week and discussion of this. And then I will confirm the task of next week. 1. What I did this week 1.1 Implementation : AJA JSON system to visualise the result of simulation Last week I concentrated on the implementation of AJAX.  However, this is a little bit complicated because client side JavaScript should analyse the XML data from server side. Therefore, I changed the server side code to send the result as JSON format. Manipulating the JSON data in Java code,  I used the library of JSONIC(Jsonic ver1.3.10 and this is added in pom.xml of my project). Following my proposal, I planned to implement simple visualisation of analysis result. Therefore, I implemented client side visualisation system with AJA JSON. Following figure showed overview of my implementation and this has been already committed to GitHub repository and you can check that. Fig 1.1.1 : Client side html of simulation analysis Fig 1.1.2 : C...

Week1 : AJAX system to download file is implemented and additional works are completed

Hi all! Today I inform you of what I completed this week. 1. The task following my proposal I mentioned that I tried to understand implementation of AJAX system and implement simple AJAX system to my project. AJAX system is mainly considered as the way to let the application for thin client(Web application) to the application for rich client( Local software). The disadvantage of Web application is that the users are demanded to wait until data is send to server and the result is received. AJAX system solve this problem checking dynamical change of form in HTML and preparing call back function. This week I intended to implement AJAX system to my project.  I tried to implement that the result of analysis( simulation and steady state analysis) is downloaded immediately after selecting SBML model. This implementation delete the form of selection and users will not feel the time to send the data to server and receive the response actually. The figure shown below is example of ...

Introduction and initial commitment is uploaded

This blog intends to show the progress reports of Google summer of code(GSOC) 2017 project "Develop a web service which provides simulation / steady state analysis / parameter estimation with SBML models". Today I inform you of initial commitment of this project and edit the README.md. Thank you. Github URL :  https://github.com/TakahiroYamada/GSOC2017_SBMLModelAnalysisWebApp