Week14 : Pop-upping warning and error message

Hi all.

1. What I did this week
1.1 Pop-upping error text in client side
I used bootstrap modal system to pop-up error text in client side. The error message is popping following situation.

1) The file is not selected
2) The value of some parameters are negative
3) SBML model is invalid.

1.2 Pop-upping warning text in client side
I used bootstrap modal system to pop-up warning text in client side. The warning message is popping following situation.

1)  SBML model has some incorrectness( by checking using the method "checkConsistency" of JSBML class SBML_Validator).

1.3 Demo of this implementation
Fig1.3.1 : The error message with that file is not selected.

Fig1.3.2 : The error message with that the parameter value is negative

Fig1.3.3 : The error message with that SBML model is invalid

Fig 1.3.4 : The waning message with the SBML has some incorrectness 

The warning message is now used by output of SBML_Validater's return value. However, this value is a little bit long to read it difficult. I should discuss it with my mentors and make it easy to read for users.

2. The task of next week
I will sum up the document of this application and this let user understand how this application is used.

Thank you!



Week5 : The test server configuration

Week4 : Form to send the parameters of analysis to server side and analyse based on these parameters

Final Week : Create document and implement some minor UI