Week12 : Download widget was created and all javascript code to execute ajax transfer is changed based on JQuery

Hi all.

1. What I did this week
1.1 Minor implementation
Firstly I changed my Javascript code to execute ajax transfer based on JQuery.
This change let me to maintain these system easily.

1.2 Major implementation : Download widget to get the result of each analysis
I created this widget to get the result of each analysis as png format for graphical result and csv format for table result. This implementation is significantly important for users to get actual result and download it in their local environment.

1.3 Demo of major implementation( Example is Simulation's one)

Fig1.3.1 : The download tab is added in the "Result of Analysis"

Fig1.3.2 : After user finishes the analysis and click download tab, download dialog open. The file is zip including all the result of analysis. the result of each analysis is png format for graphical result and csv format for table result. 

Fig1.3.3 : The result gotten as png format( graphical result).

Fig1.3.4 : The result gotten as csv format( table result)

Now I limited the format of each result file( graphical result : png , table result : csv). In future implementation, I will add another format to get the result. Then users can get the option to get the result for their own purpose.

2. The task of next week
I could not finished following task discussed last week. Therefore, I will finish it firstly.

1) Add the system to change the upper bound and lower bound of parameter for parameter estimation.
2) Creating the docker image of this application

Thank you!



Week5 : The test server configuration

Week4 : Form to send the parameters of analysis to server side and analyse based on these parameters

Final Week : Create document and implement some minor UI